Our shipping service providers (DHL, DHL International, freight forwarding) are still experiencing very high order volume, which may cause delivery delays or incomplete deliveries.
Please note:
- You can track your shipment here. You only need your order number (starting with 3) from your order confirmation and your post code.
- If you have only received part of your order, please be patient - the rest will come.
We will always work with our shipping service providers to ensure that your products reach you as quickly as possible.
Occasionally, the status of a DHL shipment may not change. This can have many causes. In the majority of cases, it is simply an error with the tracking system and the shipment will be delivered soon.
However, if the status has not changed for 7 days, you can initiate an investigation in the service portal, which can be found here.
For help with the service portal, click here.