Technical Basics
- Teufel Bluetooth devices - tips for proper charging
- Can I update or pair my Teufel system with Amazon Alexa voice control?
- My speaker driver has been dented, what can I do?
- Quick test for home: is my remote control defective?
- What does the distortion factor mean?
- What is the significance of the impedance (ohm specification)?
- What distinguishes a HiFi system from a home theater?
- Connect speaker cable
- Audio adapters at a glance
- What is the latency?
- Audio cables - Which cables do I need?
- What can the Dynamore® and Dynamore® Ultra technologies do?
- Does it make sense to use (gold-plated) banana plugs to connect speakers?
- How do I mount banana plugs correctly?
- Can I upgrade my system with Bluetooth?
- Dolby Surround variants
- My speakers are creating unwanted sound. Is this normal?
- There is just a USB cable included with my Teufel product. Which USB power supply can I use?
- HDMI, ARC, CEC - what is it?
- What is a ground hum?
- Loudspeaker and connection cables
- How do I measure loudspeakers?
- Why should I taper the cable ends instead of using a thinner cable?
- Should I choose a fully active or a partially active box set?
- Is it possible to combine speaker cables with different cross sections?
- What does the indication impedance "4-8 Ohm" mean?
- Which impedance is recommended for speaker cables?
- How should the different power specifications of loudspeakers and power amplifiers be evaluated?
- Can I run Teufel speakers on an amplifier with 6 Ohm outputs?
- Which speaker cables does Teufel recommend?