If you experience sound dropouts with effect rear boxes (coupled with Cinebar Pro), please use the following checklist before you contact us.
1) Is Cinebar Pro up to date with the latest firmware? Link to the update page
2) The distance between Cinebar Pro and the effect should not exceed 15 meters. Correct the distance if necessary.
3) Are there other interfering radio network sources in the vicinity such as cordless phones, WIFI routers, microwave ovens, radio-controlled devices, etc.? Try to move this device and/or turn off other radio sources during the Cinebar operation.
4) Are there any water-bearing objects such as pipes, aquariums or plants between the Cinebar and the effect? This may interfere with the radio link.
5) Volume is set too low. Increase the volume on the transmitter.
6) Please disconnect the connection and restart the pairing.
If none of these points apply, contact our customer service with the results of this checklist.