Here you will find a selection of user manuals for older products that are no longer available in the Teufel Shop. The following list is sorted alphabetically.
Simply click on the product you are looking for to access the corresponding manual. In the window that opens, you will find the respective operating instructions in the "Support"-> "Downloads and Service" section.
Note: The following list refers to older products. If you need instructions for a current product instead, please follow the instructions under the article"Operating instructions for current Teufel products".
Airy (2017*)
- Bamster XS
- Boomster (2016*)
BT Bamster
- Cinebase
- Cinebar 51 THX
- Cinebar 52 THX
- Concept E Magnum/Magnum Power Edition
- Concept R
- Concept S Active Subwoofer
- Concept S
- Concept S "Set 3+R Dolby Digital/dts
Corestation Compact
- Decoderstation 3
- Decoderstation 5
- Decoderstation 5 Mk2
- Decoderstation 6
Decoderstation 7
- Impaq 8000
- iTeufel Air
iTeufel Air Blue
- Combo 22
Kombo 42 (2015*)
LT 5 Atmos
- Motif 2
- Motif 6
- Musicstation (2019)
- Mute
Mute BT
- Raumfeld Connector
- Raumfeld Expand
- Raumfeld Stereo Cubes
- Raumfeld Stereo S
- Raumfeld One S
- Raumfeld One M
- Raumfeld Stereo L
Rockster XS (2016*)
- System 8 THX Ultra 2
- System 10 THX
- Subwoofer US 2110/1 SW
Subwoofer US 4110/SW
- Teufel Connector
- Theater 1
- Theater 2 (M220 D, M220 C, M2200 sw)
- Theater 3 Hybrid
Theater 6 Hybrid
- Ultima 40 Mk2 (2017*)
- Ultima 800
* In parentheses is the year of end of sale for this product, if there was a successor.
- In the manuals, you will find, among other things
- Instructions for assembly and installation
- Information on commissioning/connection
- Operating procedures-
- Cleaning and care