In-home theatre systems, the right sound is generated by the harmonious interaction of at least 5 satellites and at least one subwoofer. The subwoofer is responsible for the bass for all channels. If you purchase a complete Teufel home cinema system, all components are matched to each other. When buying a subwoofer individually, you should pay attention to the following technical parameters, which should be shown in the technical data of good subwoofers.
The lower cutoff frequency
The lower cutoff frequency indicates the maximum lower frequency a bass speaker can reach. For more information, we recommend our blog post on the topic of the cutoff frequency.
The crossover frequency
Every loudspeaker - including satellites or the subwoofer - has a frequency range in which they can cleanly reproduce sounds. The crossover frequency defines the frequency value/range that both satellites and the subwoofer can output within their frequency range. So that the sound image has no "frequency gap", the crossover frequency in the AV receiver must be set so that the respective components reach the value.
Tip: Usually the crossover frequency in the receiver is preset to approx. 80 Hz to 120 Hz. This value can be adjusted individually depending on the speakers used.
The Phase
Phase adjusts the output of the audio signal in relation to the position of the subwoofer in the room and based on the seating position when watching a movie. As a simplified rule of thumb, the following applies: If the subwoofer is in front of you, keep the phase at "zero" (degrees); if the unit is behind you, set the phase to 180 (degrees).